Frequently Asked Questions


All full-time students with at least one on-ground class at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville are required to have a continuous medical insurance policy which complies with the waiver criteria set up by your institution. The online waiver request form must be completed annually in the Fall by all students and will be open each semester to any new students during the waiver deadline dates listed below.

All new students should have received a waiver system activation email. This activation is required before a waiver can be submitted. If you did not receive this email, or the email is more than 30 days old, please click here and request a new waiver activation email be sent to you.

You may only waive coverage during the following Waiver Periods:

2023-2024 Plan Year

Summer: 03/26/2024 - 07/12/2024

Fall: 05/30/2024 - 09/08/2024

Spring/Summer: 10/31/2024 - 01/24/2025

Summer: 04/01/2025 - 07/25/2025